Monday, February 4, 2008

Finally Over!!!

Yes, exam week is over! Not that I had exams or anything, but I don't like being stuck in the same classroom for 3 plus hours, but perhaps that's just me. Anyways, an interesting topic for today, or at least I find it quite interesting....i-Doser!

I'm sure by now almost everyone has heard of i-Doser, the audio drug that can get you high...or horny, depending on which one's you listen to. I have a few on my i-Pod, but I haven't really taken the time to listen to them. The company claims they are perfectly safe to use and that they won't cause any problems, but considering they are tapping into your brain waves or something like that, you never know. There are many videos on youtube that show different people's reactions to the drugs, but I'm sure most if not all of them are fake. What do you think of i-Doser? Leave your oppinion.

xoxo venusAphrodite <3

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